35年 変わらぬ友情











アブラハム・デイビッド 日本の秋田にて  31/08/2024



I have known Matsuzaki Hajime for nearly 35 years, almost half my life. As both a work partner and a friend.
 Ted Wheelwright our teacher brought us together with his good advice we decided to work together deepening both my understanding of Japan and his of Australia.

Added to this he brought me into his family especially his dear mother who treated me as a son, as my mother treated him.

Beside many many experiences both business and personal in Japan and Australia we ventured to many parts of the world especially in Asia.

The highlight of our travels together was our many visits to the Himalayas trekking many times into the ABODE OF THE GODS

I saw in Hajime a deep interest and concern for people in their various ways of living always offering respect and understanding

While working with Hajime on our business together i learnt some of the best aspects of Japanese. Patience, reliability, and thoroughness, with a long view.

Now in our 70s (he is my senior by 7 years) our friendship continues as strong as ever.

Like a river heading towards the ocean slower but deeper.

Abraham David, Akita Japan, 31/08/2024  

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